how should we represent ourselfs?

well, we're human! on the image you see a portrait painted by a person and a close friend we consider a true genius! by ONUR ( The painting is done black on black. All you see is the color black! sometimes you see every detail sometimes you don't! but still it's there! you may compare it to the sun… it bears an enormous force. simple everyday life - but still so diversified! this is the direction we're trying to stear to with all our ideas. peek-a-boo: sometimes you see it - sometimes you don't, but still, it's there! cause that's the point where it comes to fantasies! and its fantasies that make our lives richer! - else it's just porn not erotic not stimulating on a deeper level. simulations are just simulating. where is the truth hidden? how far can you go? how far can we go? we're architects and interior designers, but consider us rather as artists. thanks for taking your time. yours sincerly

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